Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...
Please bring pictures that day of departed loved ones, which will be placed around the altar during the service. We will observe a special candle-lit prayer in their honor during each service.
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
The Men’s Discipleship Group is a gathering of men supporting each other on their spiritual journey. We read and discuss Scripture and pray together. We gather at 8am and end promptly at 9. Bring your own coffee! Refer questions to Dale Smith 908.209.9113 (cell)
The Hospitality Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 2 pm in the parish hall. This committee plans all the fun events that take place throughout the year. New members are always welcome. Being a part of this committee is a great way...
Game Nights are held monthly, with the exception of the Summer months. The next one will be held on Thursday, November 9 from 5:30 to 8 pm. The evening starts off will be soup, sandwiches and desserts, followed by games. This gathering is a relaxed...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
The Men’s Discipleship Group is a gathering of men supporting each other on their spiritual journey. We read and discuss Scripture and pray together. We gather at 8am and end promptly at 9. Bring your own coffee! Refer questions to Dale Smith 908.209.9113 (cell)
Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18 will be the 239th Annual Convention for the Episcopal Church in Delaware. The event will be held at Clayton Hall on the University of Delaware campus in Newark, DE.
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
The Men’s Discipleship Group is a gathering of men supporting each other on their spiritual journey. We read and discuss Scripture and pray together. We gather at 8am and end promptly at 9. Bring your own coffee! Refer questions to Dale Smith 908.209.9113 (cell)
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
The Men’s Discipleship Group is a gathering of men supporting each other on their spiritual journey. We read and discuss Scripture and pray together. We gather at 8am and end promptly at 9. Bring your own coffee! Refer questions to Dale Smith 908.209.9113 (cell)
Please join us on November 30th from 3 to 4 pm in the church hall when the St. Martha's Hybrid Book Group meets to discuss Anne Lamott's " Dusk, Night, Dawn." This book grapples with the tough question of how to cope as we stumble...
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...