Bring your well behaved pets to either service for a mid-service blessing. Less behaved pets can meet Rev. Ria in the parish hall or parking lot after the 10 am service for blessing as well.
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
The Hospitality Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 2 pm in the parish hall. This committee plans all the fun events that take place throughout the year. New members are always welcome. Being a part of this committee is a great way...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
Join us on Thursday, October 19 at 5 pm for our annual Harvest Fest Potluck Dinner. Sign up sheets are available in the parish hall. If you have additional questions, please contact Caryn Cleveland-Short.
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
A few good men are needed in the effort to rejuvenate the Men’s Group. We will gather on Saturday, October 28th, for fellowship and for further information. Doors will open at 9:30 am for coffee and chit-chat. Program will start at 10 am and end...
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the parish hall. This is a beginner's class for those who have never done yoga before or are looking for a gentle practice. The drop in fee is $10.
Stitch and Sketch is an informal group that meets first and third Fridays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the church hall. We have knitters, painters, quilters and many other crafters who gather to stitch, craft and socialize. Several people work on Quilts of...