The Vestry appointed a Search Committee which held its first meeting on April 27, 2020. The committee members are Clem Edgar, Alice Anne Freund, Sharon Korody, David Moore Sue Proska, John Short, and Tempe Steen. View their bios. The committee meets every Monday in the late afternoon by Zoom.
The Search Committee conducted a parish survey using the methodology of Holy Cow!, a firm that prepares and evaluates data for churches for various uses, most prominently, searches for new clergy. The survey was sent to all the St. Martha’s members and interested persons based on the current directory, including names gathered from stewardship and visitor records. The survey was made available on June 22 and closed on July 9. The Search Committee received 145 responses.
The Search Committee participated, via Zoom, in an Anti-Bias workshop entitled “Calling a New Priest: Eyes Wide Open”. The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland presented this workshop.
Holy Cow! issued the Vital Signs Executive Summary, a report of its findings from the parish-wide survey. The Search Committee sent this Summary to each member of the parish in advance of the Zoom interpretive presentation, which is viewable here.
The Search Committee has been actively working to bring the church web site up-to-date and add a Rector Search Tab that includes pertinent information for applicants. The church web site with the addition of a Rector Search Tab must be approved first by the Vestry and then the Diocesan Standing Committee. Once approved this now forms the basis for the construction of a Community Ministry Profile. The Community Ministry Profile will be the primary tool in our communication with prospective applicants.
From the beginning we have been guided by three questions that will guide the construction of the Rector Search Tab and the Community Ministry Profile:
Upon completion, the Community Ministry Portfolio will be merged with the Clergy Compensation Package and, after approval by the Vestry and the Rev. Canon Martha Kirkpatrick, will be posted on-line by the Diocese Transition Ministry Office. This is the vehicle used by prospective applicants to apply for the position of rector of St. Martha’s.
These months will be dedicated to the collection of applicant resumes, and the selection of the final four applicants. Depending on the state of Covid-19, the expectation is that the final four candidates will visit Bethany Beach and that members of the Search Committee will visit the applicants’ parishes.
The name and business case for the chosen candidate will be sent to the Vestry for approval. Final selection will be made by the Vestry and the Bishop and will be followed by a formal call to the candidate to be our next rector.